Inspyre Creative

Client:  Inspyre Creative
Location: Tampa, FL
Website: Inspyre Creative Agency

How We Built Our Brand Promise?

Brand Promise Starts With Your Brand Identity.

Knowing who our consumer is, is critical when establishing our marketing budget. A marketing budget is made of two components time and money. Marketing is a fundamental ingredient for growth and profitability. Many companies fail simply because they do not allocate enough money for marketing. When done properly, marketing brings back sold returns. Therefore, it is critical to look at what it entails and how you can create an affordable marketing budget for your business. There are several key questions I usually go over such as What are your business goals?, What type of business do you own? Who is your competition? to Who is your market?

Brand Uniqueness

Your brand identity is your reputation. Brand identity is more than a logo or a style guide. I believe that strong brand is a fully integrated part of the entire organization aligned around multiple touch points. There is no doubt that customers associate themselves strongly with the brand, its attributes, values and personality. They fully buy into the concept which is often characterized by a very emotional and intangible relationship (higher customer loyalty). To put in the simple but very important term. Your brand identity is defined by how your audience perceives you. By defining our audience is the first step to building a successful visual brand identity. One thing I'm certain a brand drives shareholder value.

Brand Competitive Edge
Building a brand identity is all about differentiation: making a brand visible, relevant, and unique. Without a firm understanding of the competitive landscape, it’s easy to blend in. You should know how you are positioned in the market. There are key questions I would normally overview such as why do people buy your product or services instead of the others offered in the same general categories? I believe this research is crucial to understand not just who the competition is but how the brand compares, in perception and presentation. To truly understand the strengths of your own business, you must understand your competition and your positioning. Who competes with you for your customers’ time and money? So A comprehensive competitive analysis is a key. This is where I come in. 

Brand Consistency

To build strong brand awareness, it's only logical that we want to be where the conversations are. And we want to create a positive yet memorable brand image in our audience's minds.  Brand consistency is the pattern of expression that affects what people think about our brand. The more consistent our messaging, the more consistent our branding is. After all, the objective of our brand consistency is to build awareness and develop trust and loyalty with customers.

In order for people to remember us, we want  to ensure that the consistency of our branding to appeal to our target audience through every channel necessary. So our campaign must be translate to all consumer touch points from our visual branding, sale experience, customer experience, person to person, online presence to content marketing. We know that the important of building good brand experience leads to satisfying customers, future customers and ultimately repeat customers. It's fairly to say that don’t leave your brand open to a variety of interpretations and customization.

Know Who Are Your Competitors
Building a brand identity is all about differentiation: making a brand visible, relevant, and unique. Without a firm understanding of the competitive landscape, it’s easy to blend in. You should know how you are positioned in the market. There are key questions I would normally overview such as why do people buy your product or services instead of the others offered in the same general categories?

I believe this research is crucial to understand not just who the competition is but how the brand compares, in perception and presentation. To truly understand the strengths of your own business, you must understand your competition and your positioning. Who competes with you for your customers’ time and money? So A comprehensive competitive analysis is a key. This is where I come in.

Client's Brand Design Project


"Best team leader and creative director our team could ever asked for. He's a true friend, a exceptional co-worker, a fearless leader who cares more about his team well being as much as productivity. " - Rick Huffman, Production Coordinator

About Brand Specialist:

"As a brand manager, I play a role who helps define the way that consumers think about your company's goods or service. The over all strategy involves building brand position, brand core value, brand identity, online presence to your advertising campaign." - Chez Boodparset

Phone: 813.965.1866
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